Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 20

A lot of changes at the house today! We have a covered roof, stairs (sort of) and the interior braces are all gone! So we did a little exploring upstairs.....carefully!!
When we went to see the house today, all of the roof was covered, and they were working on getting tar paper on it. Since it is supposed to rain tomorrow, they said they would have the roof completely covered before they left.
Maddie and Libby debating room assignments.
Ian looking out the window in what will be Meredith's room.
Meredith & the boys in the boys' room - actually, in the boys' closet. Which is the size of some of the "bedrooms" in Army housing we've had. Literally.
The archway between the living room and "morning room." Whatever a "morning room" is....we call it the breakfast room.

I'm not sure if the workers will be at the house tomorrow. It's supposed to storm in the morning, but be cleared out by 11, so they might....I guess we'll see! In any case, one of the guys there said that they should be done by Friday or Saturday at the latest - and then HVAC, plumbing and electrical starts!

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